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My Monday Mantra: 3 quick ways to change your mindset
In my previous post I mentioned that I am in education and just made it to my fall break. On this particular Monday, I go back to work. Although the students do not return until tomorrow, all staff has to report for professional development. When I woke up this morning, I was not feeling it. I had such a wonderful fall break with my family. The weather was beautiful, we played outside, ate delicious food and just had fun spending time together. I was just not ready to return to the daily grind.
Are you also struggling this Monday morning?
3 Ways to change your mindset, when you just don’t want to.
1. Practice self-awareness
Pay attention to your thoughts. Do you have negative thoughts creeping in? Sit with those thoughts for minute and then try to challenge them. Are these thoughts based on actual facts or assumptions? Is it something real, or just real in your head?
2. Cultivate gratitude
Sometimes when I really cannot get out of a funk, I try to actively seek gratitude. Even if it is as simple as “I am grateful for air,” “I am grateful for water,” etc. When I slowly start to allow my gratitude to creep in, it helps extinguish those negative thoughts and helps ease my anxiety. It definitely does not solve all the problems, but it just allows me to look for the possibility of a rainbow after the storm. Have 5 minutes to practice gratitude? Try this 5 minute gratitude journal to keep your gratitude in check.
3. Give yourself grace
At the end of the day, we are just trying to do the best we can. So when I am having a rough day and just can’t get out of negative head space, I try to just be kind to myself and give myself a little grace. I celebrate the small victories that I have accomplished. Got out of bed after snoozing my alarm only twice? You go girl! Made it to work on time? Woohoo! Drank some water today? Awesome!
Sometimes all I need to do to get out of a funk is put my positive pants on and try to remember that I am trying my best, even if the best I can give today isn’t the best I can give tomorrow.
Happy Monday
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